2351 S FM-51, Suite 300 Decatur, Texas 76234 | (940) 627-8888

Do You Have Mixed Emotions about Open Enrollment? | Texas Benefits

It’s typical to have mixed feelings about the annual benefits open enrollment period. Dread for the additional administrative workload and potential benefits cost increases… Anticipation of newer, more attractive, and easier to administer plans… It makes for a fall season that causes many HR professionals and benefits brokers to drown their misery in pumpkin spice lattes. … Continued

Top 5 Social Media Tips That Can Benefit Every Agency | Texas Benefit Advisors

The world is connected nowadays through our screens. Whether it be email, texting, websites, Facetime, or social media; we all use technology to connect us to others. According to Hubspot, an online marketing and sales software provider, consumers are on social networks more than ever before. They wrote: “In our survey of 1,091 global internet … Continued

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